Friday, 22 November 2013

Bring Out the Best in your Baby! BIRTH - 1 WEEK OLD

From Birth to their first week of life:

Social and Emotion:
Development (Activities to encourage your baby's development)
- Hold and cuddle your baby often even if baby seems troubled
- Cradle your baby when feeding whether this be breast or bottle. Be sure to remain eye contact as this helps with bonding.
- Spend time with your baby in the short amounts of time they are awake, this helps in getting to know your baby.
- Softly massage baby after bath and before a nights sleep, this helps soothe and relax your baby.
Development (stages you can enjoy)
- When an object or face is moved slowly across their line of vision, baby may briefly focus and follow
- When asleep, baby is generally unaware of surrounding sounds

Language and Understanding
Development (Activities to encourage your baby's development)
- Smile and talk and be sure to stay close to your baby's face
- Keep eye contact when talking to your baby and remain close to face
- Singing! Don't forget the all important singing to your baby. This helps language development
Development (stages you can enjoy)
- Baby uses crying to communicate hunger, feelings, cold or hot, needing a nappy change, etc.
- Baby prefers human faces than toys and other patterned, colours objects
- Baby is startled by an loud sound

Hand Movements
Development (Activities to encourage your baby's development)
- Stroke your baby's hands allowing baby to clasp your fingers
Development (stages you can enjoy)
- Baby's hands are usually closed but not in a tight fist
- Baby's hands close around objects placed in their hands as a reflex

Body Movements
Development (Activities to encourage your baby's development)
- Encourage head control. You can do this by holding baby upright with one hand supporting your baby's head and back. Don't forget to smile and talk to your baby.
Development (stages you can enjoy)
- Baby lies on their tummy with knees drawn in underneath
- When held providing support under arms, baby may make stepping movements. These will disappear by two months of age.

If you enjoyed reading these baby posts. Tune in next week for 2 to 6 weeks Baby development.
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